Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy birthday to me...

Happy birthday to me...
Happy birthday to meeee...
Happy birthday to me!

Today's forecast according to is:

Happening in the news:
Happening with me:
For my birthday, Dave got me a new digital camera, which I stayed up late last night playing with. Yes, he gave it to me a day early. He's like a little kid - he can't wait to give presents. He's also coming down to Narragansett, RI to watch me run The Blessing of the Fleet 10-Mile Road Race.

Since my last birthday:
  • I became a yoga teacher.
  • I fell even more in love with the greatest man I've ever met (no, Dave... not Tom Brady, you!)
  • I watched me nephew graduate from high school.
  • I have PR'd in the Half Marathon distance (2007 BAA Half Marathon).
  • I've gained 5 lbs., which I'm not proud of but I don't think it's bad weight because I've been running a lot and doing yoga. I'm sure it's just muscle (she says as she goes for another bowl of ice cream).
  • I moved into a new position at work in our IT department.
I've also been thinking of what I'd like to accomplish by my next birthday:
  • I'd like to get a marathon BQ time, which is a 3:40 for my age group.
  • I'd like to move into a new house with Dave (which we're pretty close to doing now).
I'm sure there are a million more things I'd like to do before my next birthday, but for right now this will have to do because if I don't post this now, then I can't post today and my birthday will be over. So, I'll post as is for now and possibly add more later.

I'm off soon for the race. Let's see if I've gotten faster as I age... (race report will come later on).


Murphy's Law said...

hey! happy birthday!!!! sorry i missed it. hope you had an awesome day and an even better race. talk soon!

majorcane said...

Happy Birthday - Way to celebrate by running the Blessing at 7:54 pace. Congrats!