I'm having a bad training week and I felt like I could vent to my readers about it. If you don't like venting, stop reading. If you want to read my rant, continue on.
So like I said, I'm having a bad training week - or maybe a bad training two weeks. Last Monday and Tuesday I was experiencing a sharp pain in my right knee each time I would walk up or down stairs. This has happened to me before, but it usually just happens on one or two stairs and then goes away. However, this time it decided to stick around for two days. So coach suggested that I go for a massage (well gee, if I have to).
On Thursday I went for a massage and my therapist said that I had overstretched the ligament behind my right knee. She gave me some Biofreeze samples (I totally love the stuff!) and recommended I keep icing. She left the decision of how much to run up to my coach.
Running hadn't really been bothering me. My knee didn't hurt at all to run, but I was experiencing a lot of tightness in my right calf. Sometimes it would take up to two miles for the tightness to ease, which is not usual for me. I had a 20-miler planned for Saturday. I was so excited because this was my first 20 for this training cycle and my longest distance since Boston 2007. My coach decreased my 20 back to a 14 with 12 miles at 8:20 pace so as to still keep the workout a bit challenging, but not allow me to pound the pavement for a full 20 and thus put extra pressure on my leg. He then also scaled back the following week of training (also so I could get ready for the Cape Ann 25K on September 1st).
I took some recovery time - still running, but low intensity. Within a week of my massage my leg was feeling better. Then I started just feeling like crapp - not a cold or anything, but just super tired and irritable and emotional (hm ladies, sound familiar). I am chalking it up to PMS. My running during this week was just "ick". That's the best word to describe it really. My form felt off, I was tired, my breathing wasn't quite there and I just wasn't into it.
Cape Ann is coming up on Monday and I'm just nervous as to how it will go. I guess I can't really worry about it. It is a training race and is supposed to help me in preparation for the marathon. It's not my goal race so I just have to keep that in mind.
Sorry to hear you are having a bad week. It happens to all of us especially as the miles are adding up. Just keep doing what you are doing and eventually you will feel back to normal. Hope the calf is feeling better!
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