The Plan
Saturday 9/20/08 - Long Run: 6 minute warm up, drills, stretch, 14 miles at 8:20 min/mi, 6 min cool down and stretch.
The Reality
I was schedule for my weekly long run today and was ready to get in another goal marathon pace workout. Dave took me out for an awesome dinner on Friday night. I had penne pasta in white wine sauce with shrimp and he had the biggest piece of lasagna that I've ever seen. He wasn't doing a long run with me Saturday, but I think he enjoys carbo-loading with me. We woke up late Saturday morning and lounged around watching the rest of South Park Imaginationland (I don't even like South Park that much, but these three Imaginationland episodes are hilarious!) and then we watched the first part of Street Kings. Dave had to pull me away from Street Kings so that I could get my run in before we went to a memorial mass and dinner with his family in memory of his grandfather and grandmother. I had enough time to run, shower and get in the car to go to church. That's how much I had procrastinated.
So I headed out. I did my 6-minute warm-up, stretch and drills as planned. After that I was moving right along very comfortably with the 14-mile workout. I had set my Garmin with a slow and fast pace so it would beep to warn me whether to slow down or speed up. I had hoped that it would help me keep the steady 8:20, but it only started to annoy me because every time I went in a shady area it dropped my pace and beeped at me. It drove me nuts so I just turned the warning beep off and went by feel. I felt great through mile 6 pacing myself at 7:47, 8:10, 7:59, 7:59, 8:21 (it took me awhile to find my 8:20 pace, but I did at mile 5), and 8:29. My watched beeped for the auto-lap at 6.00 miles. I looked up and then...
I fell, belly flopping and skidding down the road! When I was getting ready to go out I remember tying my shoe and thinking, "wow my laces seem really long." I believe the fall occurred when my right foot got tripped up in my left shoe lace. I'm telling you, I've never really fallen, but now I have twice in this one training cycle. What the heck! And this time I fell as a car was driving by and not surprisingly, given my last experience, no one stopped to see if I was OK (well Janette, you're not in Upstate New York anymore). I sat and cried for just a moment then stood up and used some of the water I had to clean up. As I was cleaning up, a man walked by pushing a stroller with another child walking beside him. He asked if I was OK, but just kept walking with no interest in stopping if I had said no. I assessed the situation. Bruised, dirty and bloody were my right thing, right elbow and left knee. My hip was also bruised and scraped. I was 7-miles from home. I had no cell phone. I was four miles from the fire department. What is a girl to do except keep running?
So I kept running. Nothing was hurting me to run, but I really just wanted to get home. With all of the falling, tears and trying to compose myself I messed up my watch and mile 7 came in at 10:29. I estimated I covered abut .3-.4 miles with it turned off and was standing for about 2-3 minutes with my watch running. Startin with mile 8 splits were 7:53, 8:07, 8:12, 8:04, 7:51 and 8:01. I really was trying to do 8:20, but I also was bleeding, uncomfortable and just wanted to get home and get cleaned up. I ran an additional half mile for 13.5. My knee was pretty swollen when I stopped at that point so I decided it was best to just call it quits.
When I got home I immediately called Dave and asked him to get me some peroxide to help clean out the scrapes. My elbow was ridiculously swollen and my knee looked like someone cut a racketball in half and stuck it on my knee. My upper right thigh was very swollen and had some road rash. My thigh had started to bother me toward the end of the run, but I thought it was just from the fast miles and not the fall. I was wrong about that.
Dave got me the peroxide and got me cleaned up and wrapped up. He left me to get to church on time. I skipped the church because I had to take extra time to get cleaned up and I met him later on to go with his family to dinner.
In hindsight, I wondered if I should have stopped when I fell, but honestly I felt fine running. I actually felt great. I was so focused and determined to get home. I don't believe that I caused any additional problems by continuing the run.
I was disappointed that I didn't get in the full planned workout. I'm also disappointed that I couldn't keep it at 8:20. Then again, I'm sort of happy with the fact that I was comfortable with the run being faster than that. With the stopping/starting/falling issue I estimate the total distance of the workout at 13.5 miles in a total time of 1:49:29 averaging 8:07 min/mi.
I have pictures to put up not to gross all of you out, but just so that I can remember how crazy that fall was after the fact. I just have to get them on my computer to post so give me a day or so and I'll get them up. If you're like me and into all that crazy medical stuff then you'll love them.
Updated 9/25/2008... Photos as promised.
The Knee w/Blood Trickle (Awesomeness)
The Hip
The Elbow Wrapped for Church/Dinner
The Elbow with Crazy Swelling
The Elbow With Blood
1) Are you sure you didn't accidentally "fall" to get out of Church? Sounds a little too convenient for me. :)
2) I've been waiting to write this as a comment, but its never fit in and only kind of does now, buuut you said your watch got messed up. Well how bad does that annoy you? A few weeks back I ran about a 7miler at the fastest I've ever run, it felt great. When I got home to check my watch though, I realized I'd never restarted it from a stop light I'd had to stop at. I was sooooo angry and no one understood.
3) I'm looking forward to the pictures.
Your answers...
1) I actually addressed this with Dave because I felt so bad. No, I didn't purposely fall to get out of church.
2) The watch messing up is soooooo annoying!!!! I can't even explain it! Argh!
3) Here you go. Pictures. Yes, everyone the little sister loves seeing me in pain.
What the heck did you do? Jeesh...that doesn't look like a fall. It looks more like you were attacked!
OUCH! How is this going to affect Hartford?
I always liked the quote from Vince Lombardi, "The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."
Hope the healing is coming along OK.
Jim, thanks for the concern. Fortunately enough I healed up pretty quick and the fall shouldn't interfere with my Hartford goals at all. I was back out the Monday after and felt good. Thanks for the quote too! That's great!
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