Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Incident with an Inspection Sticker

You know those little inspection stickers that you find in our clothes? They typically are about one centimeter in diameter with a number on them? Yeah, well this is my story of how I got one stuck to the area on my bum right above my bum crack. Yes, re-read that sentence. Yes, please, go ahead and laugh hysterically and read it again. At some point though, please read the rest of this and find out how that happened.

On Saturday I went with a long run with my running group. It was really hot and humid. I did 15 miles and when I finished I was completely soaked. I looked like I had jumped in a pool and didn't dry off. It was so hot that a piece of gum that was in my fuel belt melted. I changed into some dry clothes, left the group and drove home. When I got home I had some more fluid and some peanut butter toast. At that point, I thought a shower sounded like a good idea.

I showered like I normally do - wash the hair, the face, loofah the body. Then I was rinsing off. I usually rub my hand over my skin to get the soap off rather than just stand in the water. So I'm rubbing away when my hand crosses over the spot right above my bum crack. That's when I feel this mark almost like a scab and I immediately think, "oh no, my underwear chafed me that bad?" I was not happy so I cranked my head around to see how bad it was.

That's when I saw the inspection sticker. So I think "oh! It's just the inspection sticker from my shorts." (Now, my shorts weren't new and I've washed them multiple times so I have no idea why it was still there.)

It's a sticker no big deal, I'll just wipe it off, right? Wrong! The inspection sticker was stuck to my butt! The glue had actually gotten so hot that it re-glued to my butt! I had to take peel it off along with all the little hairs that are there, which really didn't feel great. Then the glue was still there so I had to re-soap up the loofah and scrub the hell out of that spot.

After much scrubbing I was able to remove the inspection sticker and glue from my butt. This was not my proudest moment, but hey, it is pretty funny. So please check your running clothes carefully for any stickers when you're heading out for a super-hot long run before inspector number 112 finds you.


Steph said...

Too funny! Do you think Inspector 112 was at least cute?

Janette said...

Haha! I sure as heck hope so!!

Sarah said...

Nice....I think every article of my clothes was stuck to me that morning. We were so gross!!

Ann said...

Perhaps I can one up you on your running sticker incident. Today I was preparing for my long run. Since I tend to chaf where my sport bra lines are on my chest, I use body glide on my long runs. Well today I was getting dressed and all like la di da putting on my "body glide" when I realized it was actually my deodorant. Despite that though, my sports bra and shirt were still soaked in sweat when I got done.