's Daily Kick in the Butt sent me this quote this morning. It reminded me of how I sometimes feel like I just want to run alone and don't want my running partners with me. Sometimes I'm selfish like that and just want that time to myself to focus on form, pound out stress from a tough day, or just be at peace with the out of doors. Other times however, I crave running with my group. I love running with them. I'm not sure I could have a better group of three to run with. As, this quote says, have running partners just makes everything that much better.
Running is ultimately a personal experience. It is a revival of the spirit, a private oasis for the thirsty mind. Yes, it's healing power only increases in the presence of others. Run together and the oasis grows cooler and more satisfying.-- Amby Burfoot
I think I like to run by myself better than with a group. I can go when I want, as fast as I want, as far as I want, and where I want. Plus I can think and clear my head. Its very therapeutic for me at times.
Thanks for the comment, sis. I do agree with, however when you're nearing the end of a 20-mile run and it hurts and you just want to stop, it's nice to have a partner to tell you, "come on now, just 5 more minutes, you can do anything for 5 minutes."
aawwwwwww.....I am so proud to be quoted :) I do agree that having awesome running partners is key to making it work. Can't wait to run with you guys again!
Okay, so I broke down and ran with someone yesterday. I forgot how nice it is to have partner and to chat along the run (well unti you're to the point where you're so tired you can't utter a sound, except expletives to yourself because you can't fathom why you incorporated a hill in the last two miles). However, I ended up being the person who was like come on now, just 5 more minutes.
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